Private Yoga Lessons

Indulge in a private yoga class tailored just for you…

Whether you’re a beginner seeking guidance or an experienced yogi wishing to deepen your practice, we can work together to explore your yoga in a focused and supportive class. With my undivided attention, you will receive customised instruction, hands-on help, refine your alignment, trigger activation and cultivate inner peace.

Experience the transformative power of yoga at your own pace, while enjoying the comfort of practicing in a private setting. Whether you’re seeking stress relief, physical healing or simply a deeper connection to yourself, my private lessons are designed to meet your specific needs and goals, leaving you feeling rejuvenated, empowered, and inspired on and off the mat. 

Private lesson costs: start at €40, depending on location and number of people. 

Discover the transformative power of yoga with personalised guidance in private lessons.

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